Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long does an application take to process?
A: It depends on the country and the financial arrangements as well as testing requirements, etc.
Q: What is the best way to get a student visa?
A: Use a trusted representative.
Q: What happens if my visa gets refused?
A: It depends upon the application, but we will keep working until we can assure that you will get a visa.
Q: What happens once I complete my course?
A: There are lots of opportunities that let you apply for post-study work permits?
Q: What happens if I get a lesser band score in english?
A: It depends on the colleges' rules. You can still get admission in the college.
Q: Is it better to live on campus or at a home stay?
A: If a student has enough resources, he/she can stay on campus. If not, there are different types of accommodation that include home stay or public/private apartments or homes. Many students prefer home stay because many home stays are not as cramped.
Q: Is it a 100% guarantee that I will get a visa?
A: Nothing is 100%, but our service is as close to 100% as you can get. We have not had a visa denial yet.

* To get more questions answered, contact us at the number provided at the top right of the website (which is the same number as listed on the Contact Us page.