Intangible Helping Hand

Intangible Helping Hand

Our guidance and never-ending determination to provide the information you are looking for is unparalleled. We understand that students can only do so much research on Google about the websites of the colleges and universities they are looking to attend. That is why we focus on the intangibles like finding out things specific to each student that isn’t necessarily listed on a website or a Google search and things like:

  • What is the quality of the dorms at the university or the home stay location? You can request for us to look into a place they may be interested in living at.
  • Are the teachers good? Are Administrators helpful or is there lots of red tape?
  • Are there big lineups to access the student registrar’s office, etc? Parking accessibility? Bicycle access?
  • Is there a local culture environment that you want to have access to like a cultural or community centre, pub, restaurant, hospital nearby, good security and other public accessible institutions?
  • Transit and shopping options?

Go to this link to see what intangibles we can help with or simply call us or email us to find out what might not be listed on this website.