Post-Study Work Permit

Work Prospects & Earn While You Learn
You are also provided with a work visa entitling you to do part-time work while you are studying along with  having the opportunity to work between semesters as well as after graduating your course(s) each year and after completion.

The number of hours depends on the courses that are taken along with employment laws for each country. Typically, for a part-time work assignment, 20 hours a week during course term and 40 hours a week during Christmas break are examples of how you could work outside of class time. Wage earnings vary depending on the industry, time allotted, expected salaries and minimum wage laws associated to each country’s state or province.

Study to Work & Work to Study
Work permits are subject to rules set by policies, but you could as an example acquire a 2 or 3 year work permit. There could be qualification points needed based on an SMC policy or working towards a membership or occupation registration….

Graduate Job search
In New Zealand, you could be eligible for a 12 month work visa upon graduation through that country’s SMC policy. A job does not have to be offered in order to qualify within 3 months before expiry of your permit providing that you show evidence that you have minimum funds of $2,100 available.

Accompanying Family & Spouse
If you are granted a work permit visa or visiting visa or student visa, you are allowed to have family members and a spouse accompany you as you live, study and work in the country you have the visa with. Contact us to find out more about the process involved with sponsoring a spouse or family.